Sheepishly following religion
Religion without spirituality
Emotion-driven falls christened 'falls under the anointing' of the Holy Spirit
Many are churchier than the Pope
Charity-deserted churches
Churches with saints to sinners ratio of 0:12
Too many Judases without a single Matthias
Brainwashing 'Daddies' and 'Mummies'
Merchants of miracles
MOGs cashing out
Members crashing out
Tithe-paying proles and paupers
Jet-flying prophets and pastors
Wealthy clergymen with wretched congregation
Multiplicity of churches
Disunity of God
Many are Catholics
Some are Anglicans
And others are Protestants
All followers of a single man, Christ.
Copyright © 2023 by Dansuma Ojonugwa.
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#Poet #DanLawson