The People of Apa and Agatu are said to have been beckoning on the honourable representing Apa and Agatu at federal House of representatives, Hon. Godday Samuel to continue his good works come 2023.
Speaking on why honourable Godday Samuel should come in for the people of Apa and Agatu come 2023 at the house of representative as he has been working and transforming Apa and Agatu local government areas to her better look.
The people doing random statistics of what the leaders before him at same position has done and they were surprised at the level at which Hon. Godday Samuel has covered within these few years in office.
The people describing honourable Godday Samuel odagboyi as the great facilitator, leader and humanitarian, philanthropist, Life changer, communities developer, and liberation of the people.
When outline some reasons why Hon. Godday Samuel should be voted in come 2023
They start by pointing out few of his amazing works in different communities within the two local government areas. Beginning from the huge road projects which is believe that it will serve as a development in Standard of living of the people, ease the transportation of farm products, boast Agricultural Markets within and across the local government areas.
Indeed, Honourable Godday Samuel odagboyi is indeed a pill of transformation for Apa and Agatu, his leadership is said to have been really yielding good results beyond their imaginations and that they will not be unwise to throw this great opportunity to the mod for any reason.
However, honourable Godday Samuel is humanly Motivated and divinely ordained to liberate his people from whatever it's they have been in shamble of and bring them to the light of developments and transformations. This was the reason why the people of Apa and Agatu are calling themselves to join hands together with the good leadership of Hon. Godday Samuel to enhance more dividend of democracy to the people.
The great ongoing construction of Ogbaulu-Oshigbudu road which is now being extend across Odugbeho to Okokolo, Agatu local government area. The roads which were said to be forgotten but the light of the new development Shone on it.
With the Hon. Godday Samuel's new development, there's renewed hope that the long awaiting road network between these five communities are becoming the things of the past.
With Atakpa bridge constructed, Transformer supplied, electric poles mount from Oshigbudu towards Ogabulu community, the electrification of these areas will soon be completed as his eyes were close against it.
As someone who have high value for education, his is struggling for a better Apa and Agatu by recreating and revitalizing the constituents and also making it a home hospitable enough for all by fertilizing the future through the improvement in educational sectors.
As a progressive minded leader, he is working tirelessly to privatize education in the both local government areas. "Malcolm X said Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for this today" so for the growth and development of our children we must all put hand on desk as a constituents and as a people to enhance the continuity of good governance of honourable Godday Samuel odagboyi come 2023.
The followings are his Achievement towards improving our educational sectors..
-The award of contract for the construction of 0.4m Asphaltic road at Otakpa Alifeti Apa and Agatu federal constituency.
- Empowering the masses in collaborating with the small and medium enterprise development agency (SMEDAN)
- provision of job opportunities for over 70 of the people of Apa and Agatu
1. Payment of Jamb registration for the both local government areas (Apa and Agatu) students 2020/2021 UTME.
2. construction of two ultra modern utilitarian class rooms with furniture, and to be powered with solar system at saint Anthony Secondary school okokolo in Agatu LGC area which is ongoing.
3. Construction of classrooms with offices, furniture and fully equipped with solar energy at ogbaulu in Agatu LG area, project ongoing.
4. Provision of ICT facilities with 40 computers powered With solar energy at agbaduma community secondary school Aila in Agatu, also in collaboration with Nigeria communication commission (NCC) through USPF.
5. Construction of classrooms at enungba in Agatu LG area, project ongoing.
6. Renovation of Classrooms at Saint john secondary school Amoke, APA LG area.
These are undeniable evidences in different communities within Apa and Agatu local government areas and more are expected as he will come to stay in 2023.
By Idris Ehi