The Idoma attire is one of the most outstanding attires so far and it well Honoured even among other traditional attires.
Here is the meaning of each colour in the attire and it function;
The Idoma traditional attire is popularly called, “Apa” by many parts of Idoma land, and “Edema” by the Edumoga people. The “black” colour on the Idoma attire signifies the “earth and burial shroud,” while the “red” colour signifies “royalty or red feather.”
The red feather is often fixed on the head of the traditional leader.
The Idoma attire is worn during burial ceremonies, weddings, festive periods and local meetings. This attire can be complemented with beads, horse tails, caps, shoes and so on.
“Opa” is also an Idoma traditional attire worn during burials. This “Opa” is mostly worn by chiefs and those who are buried. The “black” signifies mourning and the “red” signifies “Alekwu,” which means, the dead must be respected.
The Idoma attire is well respected and it is a significant symbol in local meetings. It is important for every member of these local meetings must wear either a muffler, cap (for the men), or head gear (for the women), failure to appear in the regalia attracts fines or sometimes penalization.
The Idoma attire is also a fashionable item and can be worn at any time of the day to any occasion of choice.
Idoma attire can be sewn in different forms: it can be sewn into wrappers, gowns, skirts and blouses, Kaftan, caps, mufflers. It can also be used as decorations during any festivities.
The Idoma people will always be known for their uniqueness with their cultural colours, “Black and Red.”