
Over The Collapsed Building In Lagos, Nigeria Must Adhere To Standard.

The recent tragedy that occurred in Lagos Nigeria could have been avoided if simple rules that are laid down for buildings to be erected were followed by to the lather.

Local governments should be responsible for all buildings that are erected within their geographical area to ensure that such building is up to the standard. 

The different local governments must have a standard that all builders must adhere to for anyone to erect a building anywhere. There should be different requirements for commercial and residential buildings in terms of packing spaces, minimum sizes, and all other requirements. At every stage of the building, an inspection should be carried out by the people who work for these local governments and each stage should be given a pass mark before the builder is allowed to proceed. These are the simple things that bring about beautiful and well-planned cities. It is not rocket science, but it is the most difficult thing for Nigerians to do. Obeying rules in our country is something that we don’t dislike passionately. It is a badge of honor for us to flout rules at every given opportunity. Why bother with doing the right thing when you can just get by with slapping some money on the hands of the person that should be doing the inspection? At the end of the day, this behavior comes back to hunt us because there will be confusion to follow if all the requirements are not followed. This is the reason why we have gridlocks in all our endeavors. 

We as a country must have standards not just in building houses, but in medicine, drug production and indeed all facets of life. Once we have standards and adhere to them, we will have a way of life. We won’t be running around in circles with no way out. We can build our own roads, make our own cars and do whatever we want to do if we only adhere to certain standards. This is what is missing in Nigeria. We must take control of our lives by ensuring that these standards are followed. 

I am quite certain that certain standards are followed before buildings are erected in Nigeria. We must however insist that all standards are followed if we want to have a sense of direction or a country that works. Nigerians must learn to start following the law to the latter. This is what is missing. If we do this, we will not only have a society that works. We will in the process find out the meaning of life.

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