All glory to God, Yesterday was the 11th seminars in the month of September at the Ghcc Jalingo international Singles and Married summit.
A very big thank you to our yesterday speaker ; Pst Legson Joshua Paninga.
Excerpt on the teaching: SINCERE LOVE By Pst Paninga Legson
Text:1 Peter 1:21-22
The greatest challenge of people is true love.
Love means different things to different people.
Becareful with love at first sight, Its based on feelings.
Never based your relationship on feelings, because even animals have feelings for themselves.
If you base your relationship on eros love alone, you are going to have plenty errors in life.
Any one who is not born again can not give you the nature and love of God.
1John 4:8- God is love.
Every of God's relationship towards us us based on love, because God is love.
We are born again because we have the nature of God in us. 1John3:9
If you have the nature of God in you, you have love, for love is of God.
Only people with the love of God can give true love.
If you are dating someone who has no relationship with God you are dating satan's son or daughter. Soon the father in-law(satan) will come visiting.
God won't ask you to give what you have no capacity to give.
He knows you've got live that's why he asked you to give love.
If you're hiding your relationship from your pastor, it means that relationship has a problem.
True love must be with someone who loves God,it's called Agape.
Jeremiah 31:3-...I have loved you with an everlasting live love, and with love kindness have I drawn you....This is true love.
If God is love, it is impossible to understand and study true love apart from God.
John 3:16- For God so love the world...
Characteristics of true love:
1. Love Gives.
True love gives. The person gives his/her time, attention, money, resources etc.
-Giving is not really about the size but about the heart.It could be small but it shows thoughtfulness.
-True love gives forgiveness.
-Its possible to give without loving, but its not possible to love without giving.
-True love has no evil intention. Becareful with people who shower "love" and gift on you at first sight!
-True love always has true intention. God gave us Jesus The most important gift. God gave us his best.
Jesus was God's plan of redemption. We have been pulled out of the way of destruction;that we may have life. Jesus was given so my life could be made better. He was God's good intention for us.
2. True love will always make you better.
One of the way to know if a guy loves you is to understand his intentions. Time will tell if his intentions are clean. God gave us his son to make us better. If a man loves you, his intentions will tell.
Relationships don't necessarily need to end in marriage.
True love will want to protect your interest.
3. True love will always allow you make your choice;it will never impose on you.
Its not domineering.
When you force a lady or man to go your own way always against his/her wish;it's called manipulation and witchcraft.
True love is not imposeful.Speaking the truth is love...
John 3:16 says...whoever....Not forceful.
4. True love is without hypocrisy.Romans 12:9-Let love be without hypocrisy..
Dont lie to impress anyone.Be happy with where you are.
True does not tell lies.Never lies to impress him/her.
Be sincere.
You will succeed!