Imagine living in a community where there is no growth, talk more of development, unimaginable I guess. Then permit me to say that there is no reason living in a community that does not want to grow. For any community to develop there must be willingness to learn, and readiness to contribute your own quarter. That is why NYSC introduce community Development Service into the Scheme.
Community Development Service (CDS) is one of the four (4) Cardinal Programmes of NYSC in which corps members contribute positively to the development of their host communities throughout the period of national service. It is worthwhile mentioning that since its inception in 1973, the National Youth Service Corps has been making great contributions in the social, political and economic transformation of the nation.
In recent times, the scheme has been in the vanguard of the nation’s drive to correct the imbalance in our rural-urban development through the various community development programmes exe.cuted by corps members. These programmes have revolutionized our communities in the areas of education, healthcare delivery, agriculture, communication, infrastructure, technology, economic empowerment, poverty eradication, social services and above all national consciousness and sociocultural regeneration.
The followings are the objectives NYSC Community Development Service (CDS):
Impacting positively on the improvement of rural community life.
Developing the spirit of entrepreneurship in the corps members.
To utilize the challenges which rural development poses and inculcate in the Nigerian Youth the ideals and capacities for leadership, endurance, selflessness, community service, national service, patriotism and creativity.
Exposing corps members to diverse traditions and customs of the host communities.
Providing the forum for corps members to experiment with ideas and translate them into concrete achievements thereby relying less on foreign technology and encouraging the use of local raw materials in the execution of projects.
Harnessing the enormous talents and skills of corps members into an effective machinery of change in our rural communities.
Providing on-the-job training and experience for corps members.
Providing complementary service in our National development activities, by ensuring that our under-privileged population learn basic techniques for self-help through the appropriate technology concept being promoted by NYSC.
To instil in corps members the tradition of the dignity of labour and productivity.
To complement the activities of government at all levels in the stride towards national development.
Classifications of Community Development Service (CDS)
A. Group Community Development Service (Group CDS);
Corps members are expected to use one day in a week for group CDS activities. They are not expected to attend duties in their places of Primary assignment on CD days. Such days are dedicated to the execution of projects and programmes that will improve the living conditions of their host communities. This group includes:
Corps Legal Aid Group (CLAG) provide free legal services to the less privileged and indigent prison inmates(Victims of denials and violation of rights) and Sensitization of the public on fundamental human rights
NYSC CDS Sports Group Creates an avenue for recreation and healthy rivalry among corps members and the community, arousing the consciousness of living healthy and purposeful lifestyles through participation in one form of physical activity or the other and Identifying talents among Corps and their host community.
NYSC Cultural and Tourism Group (Band, Dance, Drama & Tourism) Promote arts and Culture of their host community, and dissemination of vital socioeconomic and political problems and prospects by the ue of identity talents to entertain and educate the community.
Education Development Group (Mass Literacy, Adult Education, Extra Murals ICT) Enhances the Education Standard of the host community by organizing Extra-mural classes for Adults and organizing of in-school programme in which the group also provide career guidance and counselling for students.
Environmental Protection and Sanitation Group (Ecovanguard, NESREA) promote and sustain a healthy environment through Tree planting, Sanitation etc. The group also create awareness on sustainable environmental management and regeneration.
Editorial/Publicity Group; Compliment the activities of the NYSC PRU in disseminating Information to the community and making a presentation on mass media to enlighten people on socio-cultural education.
Road Safety Group; contribute to public safety on our roads
and their activites consist of Sensitization and control of traffic,
Rendering first aid to accident victims, and establishment of road safety clubs in school.
Reproductive Health & HIV/AIDS Group train and mentor Students, mobilize and strengthen community-based responses on HIV/AIDS prevention by carrying out sensitization program.
Anti-Corruption Group (EFCC & ICPC) help in eradicating corruption through Campaign by carrying out Sensitization, Creation of awareness in schools and organizations, Establish Anti-Corruption Corps members in schools.
Service Delivery Group ( Attitudinal Change, ReBranding) Sensitize on Service delivery and good work ethics, also Training individual on value re-orientation
MDGs group (Millennium Development Goals) create awareness and actualize the 8 goals of MDGs by advocating and Mentoring of the host community.
Medical and Health Services Group (Red Cross, Breast Without Spot, Polio Plus etc.) Promote and provde Medical Services to communities through Health outreach, First Aid administration, Establishment of Community based clinic and Setting up of a clinic for the NYSC Secretariate.
Drug-Free and Quality Control Group (NDLEA, NAFDAC, SON)
Eradicate fake and adulterated foods and drugs and Create awareness on the danger of drug abuse. Establishment of drug-free clubs in Schools to assist the youths.
Agro-Allied Group Support agro-allied activities in host communities, promote better food production and security, Demonstrate farms/Extension Services, teach new farming techniques to communities and Establishment of young farmers clubs in host communities.
Charity Services and Gender Group improve the living standard of the downtrodden
Charity outreaches to the public by Mobilization of funds and other resources for less privileged, visitation of orphanages & prison and donation of materials to homes
Disaster Management Group (NEMA) create awareness on disaster management and disseminate information on how to manage disasters through Corps Emergency Vanguards through public enlightenment on disaster management and control through the emergency Vanguards, Liaison with NEMA on how to assist during emergencies and formation of emergency vanguard club in schools.
B. Personal/Individual Community Development Service (Personal/Individual CDS);
These are projects/programmes executed by individual corps members in their host communities based on Community felt-needs. Corps members are encouraged in addition to the group CDS to look out for areas where they could make an individual impact in the community. It could be construction projects like the building of toilets, incinerators, bridges, classrooms, games facilities for schools etc or social/educational project such as the establishment of ICT laboratory, school libraries, extra-mural classes, campaigns, charity work, vocational training for the empowerment of unemployed youths etc
C. Collaborative Community Development Service:
The scheme partners with National and Non-Governmental organizations and other establishments to implement development programmes. The Scheme signs MOU with the partners, clearly stating each partner’s roles/responsibilities. Corps members are usually involved as Volunteers on this programme. Collaborative NYSC CDS groups include Road Safety Group, Reproductive Health & HIV.AIDs Group, Anti-Corruption (EFCC & ICPC) Group, Service Delivery Group ( Attitudinal Change, Re-Branding), MDGs, Medical and Health Services Group (Red Cross, Breast Without Spot, Polio Plus etc.), Drug-Free and Quality Control Group (NDLEA, NAFDAC, SON).
Finally be a nation builder, no matter where you fine yourself engrave this question in your heart "WHAT VALUE AM I SUPPOSE TO ADD TO THIS COMMUNITY?" Once you can answer this question and be able to identify that value, then forge ahead and the sky will definitely be the limit.