Is it not curious that modern people who ordinarily can afford good clothings, when making cultural presentations, appear barefoot in scanty costumes? Their current social evolution and the costumes depicting their cultural heritage are in sharp contrast.
This is a generic mentality among all colonized peoples who don't even give the matter a serious thought.
After decades of colonization which imperceptibly thrusts itself between the organic intuitive development of the people's culture, the latter patters out with subsequent generations.
The awareness is then preserved in schools, museums and paintings
We often see cultural displays in schools. The satisfaction can be read on the teachers' faces who feel fulfilled to have exposed the children to their culture.
But it is only minicry, no longer a part of their lives, but something relegated into the background, to be picked up in special occasions for entertainment.
The costumes they adorn don't belong to their age, having been left decades behind undeveloped. It is of the same historical value as the axes and spears used in the Greek Trojan war.
Chidike Ejiofor
Abuja Nigeria