Dear writers,
The more I write the more I find out that a lot is still in me that I should write about
The more I write the more I see that my life won't be enough for me to pen down all that I have
Every time I write I see reasons why I should never stop
I want that soul who will pick my work to read
Let him see my soul from every line that he reads
Let him understand my perspective about life in the next 100 years that he will stumble on my wall.
I don't write for today, I write for tomorrow
I don't write for you alone, I write to myself.
I write better than I speak because in my writing I pour my soul to bring life and hope and to say those words you couldn't expressed.
I want you to smile at every work of mine that you read
With goosebumps all over you
Wondering how was I able to read your mind
Leaving you with a wish to meet me in the sky
That when you speak you will always put me in your words.
I die everytime I write, I resurrect anytime I write. To me, writing is life and Death
I run away from people to find time with my thoughts,
I dwell in dark places because that is when my soul shines
In my conversations, I talk for fun and to change ideologies about me that I don't talk
Leave me inside a room with a book and my blood will be the ink I will use to inscribe those letters to be read.
Leave me in the middle of the night and see how perspectives about life are birthed.
I understand codes in the land of the living
I understand silence in the land of the spirit
I can rewrite history and I am doing it mentally
I only consider weaker vessels who write to me about suicide
So I put them first and I put my views behind
Let your writing bring life and not death
Let your writing change the world positively
That work can be the reason someone is living
That work you've hidden for long can be the reason we lost that soul
That unwritten work could be the reason why they are still evil
Put that pen down and write.
However, what do you write?
Yours Truly
© Basil Samuel