


Dear ex love

Though we are far from each other

But I know with our heart

We still converse together

When i wisper to you

I hope you recognize my silent voice

It's me Ugo your ex lover hope you remember

Let's take a long work

into the quite land of our memories

While we seat with our eyes closed

And our minds lost in thought

Hm a land where on its paths

Are written our love tales

Make me feel your sweet voice again

Take me deep asleep as we whisper into our ears the love tales

Listen, at first when I set my eyes on you,

So powerful your looks and smiles

Siezed the breath of my heart

Your smiles were so bright that it could help one see in the dark,

Each time i steared at your shapes, curves and edges,

They left in my heart too many pledges

I felt like being in the prison of your heart,

I wanted be in there for ages.

You made my head a mental prison,

Where in it for your sake am locked for too many reasons from my deep feelings

Oh love is indeed beautiful,

I never knew you felt the same.

Could this be my imagination come through?

I thought I have found my soulmate.

Remember the times you do stare at me,

And I stared back, then we would smile

And converse in our heart, saying I love you.

We became fund of eachother

We cuddled ourselves in cold weather

We looked deep into our eyes and say I love you together

Together we were strong, and to nothing we surrendered,

We thought we could put our flames together to keep our love burning forever

Even when we might be far from eachother

The love cable of heart ties us together,

So distance is never an assunder we all thought.

Sorry I was so wrong

Who could predict nature,

It's indeed too powerful.

I kept my promises to you in my heart burning,

we both believed in our love and dreams

I traveled a long mile in search of green pastures

So we could leave as one as we wake up into our bright future,

But it was a pity seeing all I thought becoming falacies.

I came back to you only to find out I no longer exist in your heart

He has taken over you, you couldn't wait, you defied all our promises

You left me in tears, my head you shattered with no repair,

 I left your love premises

I promised never to come back, but i gave you the best wishes.

I hope he gives you all you desire of him

Live well.

#Bleeding pen#

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