
Happy Birthday To Uncle Oladele, De-legent


The CEO of legitblog with the media crews facilitate with Mr. Oladele on his birthday anniversary. With Joy and gratitude of heart we say happy birthday and also wish you many more years gratefully. 

 Hip!! Hip!!! Hurray........!!!!

It's indeed a new Dawn

A night retires behind the 

opened curtain,

of a brand new day.

It’s such an wonderful and

peaceful  moment,

With uncluttered Dream

But with your vision/destiny alive...

It's your time of a new hope

A moment of a renew strength

To achieve life missions

As dew drenched you with Joy 

And birthday wishes.

H - is for the Happiest of all days

A - is for All the wishes and praise

P - is for the Presents you'll open with delight

P - is for the Party that will last into the night

Y - is for the Year leading up to your day

B - is for the Balloons a celebration they'll say

I - is for the Ice cream to have with your cake

R - is for the Ribbons and decorations you'll make

T - is for the Theme you'll decided to throw

H - is for the Hats made with confetti and a bow

D - is for the Day you know will be fun

A - is for Another great year that is done

Y - is for Your special day. 

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Hip-hip hooray!

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  1. Happy birthday ATP

  2. Oh! Wow? I'm flabbergasted 😲... I'm really overwhelmed. Thanks beloved brother
