All Agatu to unite in the fight to bring crisis/violence to an end in our society as failure to do so would mean that the society would forfeit civilisation.
Every nation that has lost the war against Crisis or violence has paid the price by losing its civilisation and even here in BENUE, the Agatu is an example of how a society can lose years of progress in development within a short period of unrest.
"What is confronting this society, which is violence, must be stopped at all cost. The society has had its full share of this unfortunate tragedy that has continued to happen to our nation, and we cannot afford to lose the fight against violence and still keep our civilisation. That has never happened, it will not happen, and it will never happen. Any nation that has lost the fight against violence, has always lost its civilisation. Take the situation with the Agatu Zone A (Agatu G'icho) where I come from, there are communities where you cannot find anything as representatives of the Government. Police stations are gone, roads, buildings, hospitals and schools have all been destroyed. How long is it going to take us before we even get back to the position where we were prior to the breakout of violence?"
To win the fight against violence, people would have to take a decision to be deliberate in building peace among themselves and promoting only those things that will sustain it.
Rt Comr Adaogah Ezekiel