
Unconditional Love Chapter 3

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...I served iye her dinner immediately I was done,I was really angry but tried as much as possible to suppress my anger..

Iye, food is ready,I told her, bring it here,I don't have the strength to go to the dinning,she said..

I severed her in the sitting room And off I went to our bedroom,had my bath and relaxed on the   bed, waiting for Chris....

About an hour later he came inside,,hi honey he said... Christopher Osawaru,when were you intending to tell me that your mother would be visiting,I asked politely...

Honey come off it,iye just came,she didn't inform me that she was coming either,she only called to tell me she was at the park,he explained...

My goodness,who does that,how could she leave Edo state,down to Lagos without prior notice,what if we weren't home,what if we had travelled,for God sake honey we are managing,and you know iye is quite selective,iiiii,Esosa he shouted interrupting me ,because you are the one currently paying the bills doesn't mean you'd detect who comes visiting or not,iye is here already and we have to make her feel at home,he said angrily...

I was wondering what I had said to piss him off,he had his bath and joined in the bed, giving me a reasonable distance...

I woke up earlier than usual,it was 4am and I needed to make breakfast and lunch for iye before leaving for work..

I didn't know what to make for her,iye was very selective,I wouldn't want to make something that she wouldn't like,but going to ask her what she wanted might mean disturbing her sleep,I was confused,but decided to do other chores and go to ask her what she wanted later...

It was some minutes to 5,and I went to the guest room, knocking at the door,it took minutes for iye to open the door..

Kor iye,lamosun. I greeted in my husband's family greeting respectfully..kor,vbokin,what is it this early morning she asked still feeling sleepy,,iye am so sorry for waking you up so early,it's just that I need to make breakfast and if possible lunch before leaving for work,plus I would want to beat the Lagos traffic.I explained..

Ehenn,how does that affect me,am I the one to make the breakfast,she asked..

Oh no iye,I just wanted to know what you would like to have,I said...

Well next time ask me what I would want to have for morning in the evening and not depriving me of my precious early morning sleep,she nagged..

Am sorry ma,it won't repeat itself..

Well for breakfast,I would like to have moi moi and pap,and for lunchhhh....

Iye Mio MiO,I asked surprised, wondering how she expects me to do that before leaving for work,talk more of making lunch...

Yes,how many minutes does it take to get that ready,are you making moi moi for the whole of Lagos or just for two she asked...

And for lunch, Jollof rice is okay,she said and shut the door...

I felt like dying,oh my God,,but I know iye,she had said what she wanted and nothing will change that..I quickly ran to my kitchen,and placed the pot of water on fire for the Jollof,while that was going on,I got two cups of beans and washed as fast as I could,it wasn't as white and clean as I'd wanted it to be,but I didn't have much time,I used the blender quickly,I was so tensed and anxious,I managed to finish cooking at about 6:30am,I was already late..I quickly had my bath and got dressed..

I took the car keys and rushed off to work, obviously I met the Lagos traffic,and I arrived work pretty late at about 9:30am...

Ese,why are you just coming,this is so unlike you,you are lucky the boss hadn't come, Angela quarried..

Thank God the boss isn't around,I exhaled,,AG, it's a long story,my morning has been stressful..I managed to explain to Angela,and she was shocked at all I had to do..

Babe,do you want to kill yourself,in this modern day and time,who still slaves for husband and inlaws like you do yours,she asked...

Very few,and that's why there is high rate of divorce,my husband and family comes first,I said..

I am not saying you shouldn't respect your husband and inlaws,but know when to call it quit,I mean your husband doesn't have a job,the least he could do was help you with the cooking,and not turn you into a slaveeeeee,,please AG,it's okay, please let's change the topic,I said and walked out on her...

I was done for the day,and I didn't have the feeling to go home, because I know iye would have so much to say and ask me do,,,home which is supposed to be a place for peace and rest had become my nightmare....

Written by rejoice Igbinovia Aluyi

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