Today is the tomorrow we talked about yesterday. The journey of a thousand miles they say begins with a step. The bridge between yesterday and tomorrow is today. Whereas, today is now here.
Now is the days of the youth,
That very moment of Golden opportunities
The season to be an exmaplenary epitome
The making process for embodiment of value
The foundation for discovery the purpose of existence.
Do you know? That
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing the best today? I know that you know say, if you no do something, something go do you later. Ko ba aka ba?
Mind you, the mistake of today might leave a regrettable and irreversible tears and scars on one.
Live real...
Time is a currency and how you spend it matters. Be wise...
No wonder the psalmist says "Teach us to use wisely all the time we have" ps 90:12 off course, there's time for everything under the earth. Hence, wherever your hands find to do, do it with your might...enque because a stitch in time save nine.
Now is
An exuberant enthusiastic euphoria age
A phase of grace in peace like a page
The only freedom that should be a cage
The early years and the down to set a stage
The days to build an edifice courage
In the days of thy youth is when you should accept responsibility, become a superiority and confess the magnanimity of obstacles you stumbled that make a man of integrity,
Equip your quality, empower your mentality,
Enhance your tenacity enlarge your capacity,
Enforce royalty, earn dignity, execute integrity, respond to responsibility, be an entity of originality, empathy and creativity, also don't forget that character is beauty; which underline reality, sensitize, sanitize and synergize in the days of thy youth.
The expected and inevitable might cometh when strength will deminish, when certificate will satisfy, when beauty will fade away, when figure and shape will go away, when shakara go end and your eyes go clear...then, make up won't take you up.
Remember the law of karma, " what you sow, you will reap". What goes around comes around So, you had better cry now, laugh later, struggle today and succeed tomorrow, work now, rest later, inrest today, harrest tomorrow. Never allow the reverse rather think of the right to do now. Let past be gone. Remember ye not the former things. Don't think of the things of the old.
What do you need to change now?
Who do you need to apologize to forgive now? Decide on time, cause time is life, its waits for no man and now is the best time.
A living dog is better than a dead lion. You know? The future and tomorrow is here.
It's the days of the youth
It's the days of thy passing out to a new dimension
It's today, it's here, it's now...make your life time decision
It's a moment of making a chance that will change your life for better
It's a KOPA'S day.