
Hon. Godday Samuel: The Real Definition Of Democracy

 Honourable Godday Samuel Odagboyi is a leader per excellence and the deus ex Machina of APA AGATU Federal Constituency who has contributed greatly torwards the liberation of mankind. 

He is the real definition of the word Democracy and the leader that demonstrate the affairs of the masses

  Sir, you are a project for all, Fear no man my leader, for you will be judge according to your works and not the hate they put on you. God never forsake the righteous so he will never forsake us.Their bad ideology and attitudes torwards your leadership is uncalled for because everyone in APA AGATU constituency are all part of this Change you have brought.

My leader God is your strength, with God almighty beside us, we can move Mountains, He shall always remain your strength, Nobody is God. your mandate at 2019 was divine and not mastermind by anyone. 

Sometimes we the masses that are victims of this desperate politicians with such propaganda need to ask ourselves this questions, why did they hate this man Call Honourable Godday Samuel Odagboyi??? 

We are made to understand in the holy book (bible) that is only devil that hate man for no reasons as any man that unjustly hate a man is not as different from the devils. 

We are also made to understand that devils don't hate am empty vessel but hate the vessel of honour that has good heart and a sincere development towards mankind, Honourable Godday Samuel Odagboyi has done immensely great in projects and human resources management. 

We need to ask questions, before now they hate him, Hon GODDAY Samuel Odagboyi and after now they are still hating on HIM, 

MY QUESTION IS WHY DID THEY HATE HIM, Please let us address ourselves as God will bless the works of our hands. 


APA AGATU need a leader not a ruler 👈

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